Mikirō Sasaki

Mikirō Sasaki (佐々木幹郎) , also Mikio Sasaki, (b. 20 October 1947) is a Japanese poet and travel author, winner of the 2003 Yomiuri Prize for travel essays. Sasaki won the award for his book Ajia kaidō kikō: umi wa toshi de aru (A Travel Journal of the Asian Seaboard, 2002).[1][2] He has published more than a score of poetry collections and travel books. His Demented flute: selected poems, 1967-1986[3] was published in English in 1988. Sasaki now lives in a mountain lodge in Nara Prefecture.

Sasaki was born in Minamikawachi District, Osaka, Japan. He grew up in Fujiidera, attending Fujiidera Elementary School, Osaka Municipal Hannan Junior High School, and Osaka Municipal Senior High School. He was enrolled at Doshisha University in Kyoto, majoring in philosophy. While there he wrote for the college poetry magazine Moby Dick, and his first collection of poems was published in 1970 while he was still in college. However, he dropped out before completing his degree.

In 1976, Sasaki wrote a script for independent film producer, Cinema NESANSU, about the friendship of the poet Chūya Nakahara and the critic Hideo Kobayashi. It was called Honey Sleep and was directed by Wataru Hisashi Iwasa. Since then he has written a number of screenplays, including a 1990 script for NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) television which won a special award at the Golden Prague International Television Festival (Mezinárodni Televizni Festival Zlatá Praha).

Sasaki has travelled widely. In 1984 he was a visiting poet at Michigan State University and in Auckland. In 1988, he travelled to Nepal, Tibet and Shanghai. His travelogues and poetic style introduced many in Japan to both the wonders of the Himalayas, and the modern, and very different, culture of the largest city in China.

Professionally, he was the senior editor of the collected works of Chūya Nakahara, which were published 2000-2004, and he lectured at various liberal arts and music colleges and universities through 2007. Sasaki sat for several years on the selection committee for the Suntory Foundation's Chuya Nakahara Prize. He is also an accomplished photographer.



  1. ^ 佐々木幹郎 (Sasaki Mikirō) (2002) アジア海道紀行: 海は都市である (A Travel Journal of the Asian Seaboard) Misuzu Shobo, Tokyo, ISBN 4-622-04859-0
  2. ^ 55th Yomiuri Literature Prize in Japanese
  3. ^ Sasaki Mikirō (1988) Demented flute: selected poems, 1967-1986 Katydid Books, W. Bloomfield, Michigan, ISBN 0-942668-15-4